Home » My First Christmas In Heaven Prayer

My First Christmas In Heaven Prayer

2020 was not the best year for any of us.  So much changed. 

The Holidays seem especially hard this year.  We are supposed to celebrate all we are thankful for.  Even though we all do have so much to be thankful for, the losses we had seem to be the most consuming thoughts on our minds. Losing a business, home or job is just as devastating as losing a loved one. How will we regroup and how will we continue to provide for our families? I didn’t lose a job or my home, so I have no words that could possibly help or ease your pain.  All I can do is pray for you as you try to figure out how to regroup and pick up the pieces to create a home and provide for your family.  I know that task seems almost impossible at the moment.

 Thousands lost so much more. They lost a loved one to the Covid Virus. I was one of those thousands. Losing the love of my life has been devastating.  Jim passed away on August 13th.  These last 4 months have been the hardest days of my life.  Jim and I were married for 36 years and every day was the best day ever. I know everyone that lost someone feels the same way.

I saw this poem the other day and I think it was sent to all of us that lost a loved one and find this Christmas especially hard.

 Christmas Prayer

My heart is especially tender this year for everyone.  2020 was difficult in so many ways.  Like so many of you, I am trying to create a new normal of some kind.  Not the one I would like to have, but the one I have been given.  I think and pray for you all every day.   I so hope the New Year will end the Pandemic, create more than enough good-paying jobs for everyone to have a stable home again, and heal broken hearts for us all.  May God Bless and Provide abundantly for you.




  1. December 23, 2020 / 6:24 am

    Marty – Wishing you a peaceful holiday filled with beautiful memories. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers – blessings to you and your family.

  2. Gigi Clark
    December 23, 2020 / 6:24 am

    May God continue to comfort you and your family, Marty. You are in my prayers.

  3. Lu in TN
    December 23, 2020 / 6:45 am

    Merry Christmas to you! Thank you for sharing so much with your readers. It will be a different Christmas for so many. I pray everyone enjoys the peace and hope in Christ.

  4. carolyn
    December 23, 2020 / 6:58 am

    Wishing you a holiday of peace and comfort and love with your family. Blessings to you all.

  5. December 23, 2020 / 7:04 am

    Oh, Miss Marty even though I was sad to close my in-person business it just doesn’t even begin to compare to the loss of your dear Jim. Please know I am hugging you in my heart right now.

  6. Sharon Forward
    December 23, 2020 / 7:07 am

    Wishing you peace. I do hold you in my prayers. I hope your beautiful home gives you comfort.

  7. December 23, 2020 / 7:08 am

    Marty, we are thinking of you, and hoping that God brings you comfort this Christmas. You will be in our prayers!

  8. Betty Birkner
    December 23, 2020 / 9:48 am

    Hugs to you at this Christmas. I cannot imagine.

  9. December 23, 2020 / 9:49 am

    Thinking of you. Merry Christmas Marty!

  10. December 23, 2020 / 9:54 am

    Thank you for sharing Marty as I’ve seen this printed in the size of a credit card. Perhaps this can be found in a religious store in your area or order online to keep in your wallet. Either way, my heart goes out to you along with others who have lost loved ones whether to other means or COVID. Hubby had a friend die earlier this month from it…….asking God to comfort you and know He is with you during this difficult time……….

  11. Fabby
    December 23, 2020 / 10:00 am

    Dear Marty, I haven’t stopped thinking of you and specially at this time of year and have you in my prayers..
    I can’t even imagine what it’s like to lose the love of your life, specially, almost all of a sudden, as you have.
    Yes, we have so much to thank God for, my husband and I contracted COVID last June and July, but thanks to our Lord we were able to beat it well enough.
    You are such an example of love and strength to so many of us, whether we lost someone or not.
    Thank you for sharing it with us. I am very grateful for this beautiful and sentimental post, as it touched my heart.
    Merry Christmas
    and many blessings,

  12. Dawn Pinnataro
    December 23, 2020 / 10:07 am

    Wishing you peace and comfort this 1st Christmas. You are in my prayers.

  13. December 23, 2020 / 10:12 am

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband, Marty. Christmas is forever after a loss like that a challenge to get through. I will remember you in my prayers. Yes, this year has been so difficult in so many ways. Things that we take for granted, suddenly are removed and the loss of so many dear members of our families. I took the time this morning to read a few of my beloved blogs and yours is one. I’m not active any more with my blog, and do miss it. But, my life changed also right after Christmas day in 2016, with the loss of our oldest son Chris. I’m doing better I think, but all of a sudden, the world just looks “black and white” for a while. The color does return, but it will never be as vivid as it was. I’ve always loved your blog…..I hope you will continue. Blessed Christmas dear friend…..you have encouraged me in the past and I appreciate it. I would recommend Griefshare program……..it helped me so much. You can go online, to find a group in your area. Sending my prayers. Linda

    • December 23, 2020 / 10:19 am

      Thank you so much Linda, I am so sorry to hear you lost your son. This is a loss that seems unbearable. I will keep you in my prayers too.

  14. December 23, 2020 / 10:19 am

    Marty – I am so sorry to hear of your loss and am wishing you peace and healing in the year to come.

  15. December 23, 2020 / 12:29 pm

    As always Marty keeping you in prayer. Hoping these hard times will ease in the coming new year. You never get over a big loss like you have had but time does have a way of making things more tolerable. Hope your memories will help with your sadness this year.
    xoxo Kris

  16. jeanie
    December 23, 2020 / 2:10 pm

    Beautiful prayer…Hugs and prayers to you and your family, Marty,,,

  17. Kathy
    December 23, 2020 / 2:22 pm

    Keeping you in my prayers as you go through this holiday season without your beloved husband. Praying you can find comfort and peace with your family…Merry Christmas.

  18. December 23, 2020 / 3:33 pm

    Merry Christmas, Marty. Wishing you much peace and comfort in the months ahead!

  19. Patty McDonald
    December 23, 2020 / 3:51 pm

    Praying for you and many others that have had a more than difficult year. Thank you for sharing the poem. God bless you and so many others that have experienced loss this year.

  20. Gail
    December 23, 2020 / 4:11 pm

    I weekly pray for you. Thank you for sharing the poem

  21. December 23, 2020 / 11:35 pm

    Marty, my heart aches for you. You are in my prayers and I am sure in many of your followers’ prayers.
    Wishing you a blessed Christmas with your family.

  22. Brenda
    December 24, 2020 / 5:40 am


  23. Donna Nance
    December 24, 2020 / 9:32 am

    This first Christmas without Jim must be very rough. I wish you peace and comfort.

  24. Jan Nesbitt
    December 25, 2020 / 7:10 pm

    Merry Christmas, Marty. I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine but I see it in my mom’s eyes and in her actions daily and it’s been 12 years since my dad passed. Tonight we ate Orange Slice Cake in his memory and know that he celebrates the best Christmas’s ever in the presence of our Heavenly Father. Keeping you and others who have lost loved ones this year in thought and prayer.

  25. December 26, 2020 / 12:43 am

    Your post is such a poignant reminder of how precious and fragile life is. You are certainly in my thoughts and prayers, Marty, as are all the others that have had devastating losses this year. May God be with you.


    Tee @ Teediddlydee

  26. Mary Stevens
    December 26, 2020 / 8:29 am

    Marty I’m so sorry about your husband I know how you feel, I lost my daughter in Oct to covid and this has been so bad for many people!! Praying for a better 2021 for everyone! Bless you and your family!!

  27. Shirley
    December 28, 2020 / 7:40 am

    Muy lindas publicaciones Marty, a pesar de la dura prueba sigues adelante y claro que es dificil, pero Dios en su infinita misericordia nos da la fortaleza para seguir adelante. Mi esposo tiene 48 años y ha pasado duras pruebas desde su niñez, tuvo que dejar el trabajo y yo gracias a Dios trabajo en casa y mi familia està bien. Soy agradecida por ello. Espero que este año sea mejor tanto en salud como en estabilidad emocional. Muchas gracias y Feliz Año Nuevo ….

  28. Joyce
    December 28, 2020 / 5:12 pm

    Wishing you peace and strength as you deal with your loss. Prayers

  29. December 29, 2020 / 1:50 pm

    About the time that your husband became sick, we were distracted with our own life events and I totally missed that you were going through such dark days. The words, “I’m sorry” are so inadequate. The fact is that I have no words that can really ease your heartbreak but your story has touched me and because of you, we will double down yet again to stay safe from this hideous stalker. This poem was beautiful and I pinned it to be able to share it with one of my best friends that also lost her husband at Thanksgiving. I hope that it brings some comfort to her as I hope it did you.
    God bless you and guide you. You are in my prayers.

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